Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Shagging on the Carolina Coast

Another first! My new friend, Regina, asked me a few weeks ago if I wanted to take SHAG lessons. My assessment of her character persuaded me that whatever 'Shagging' was, it was likely not illegal (nor had any relationship to Austin Power's definition of the word). I was somewhat relieved when she explained that I would need to acquire some leather soled dancing shoes!
Just about any music with a beat can be used to accompany this fancy-footed subtly hip-swaying jive. Gratefully, Sylvia Anders, our twinkle-eyed instructor (always looks like she is harboring a comical and strictly classified secret!) likes the R&B sound -- a favorite of mine.
My 80 year old Mom, a Swing Dance trophy winner in her day, glanced at a Youtube video I had surfed up ('How to Shag Tonight") and said, "oh, that's just the Jitterbug". But, we beg to differ Gracie! According to John Hook, author of "Shagging in the Carolinas" ( Shag pre-dated the Lindy Hop and the Jitterbug by some 4 decades. Just when Billboard announced, in 1945, "Swing is Dead", "Beach Music" emerged on the Carolina Coastal Jukeboxes and Shag returned with a big force. And, it hasn't gone away -- around these parts anyway.
From Atlantic Beach, to New Bern, down to Surf City and Myrtle Beach one can find more Shag Clubs than perhaps, even, sailing clubs. I cannot help but snicker when I imagine Austin Powers landing on the Atlantic Beach strip viewing the billboard: "Shag with your Friends on the best hardwood floors in town", "Shag all Night for Free", as the beach clubs advertise. No wonder Sylvia has that gleam in her eye. She's been shagging all of her life!
See below, from youtube, "Learn How to Shag" -- even if you think you know all there is to know about shagging, you and Austin Powers may still learn a few good moves.

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